Q1: Does MonkeyDragonPaper deliver to all over the US ?
The answer is YES.
Q2: How long does it take for MonkeyDragonPaper to package my order and bring to the Post Office?
The shop will carefully package products to you as soon as possible and send using Priority Mail Shipping Method to make sure that your order will be guaranteed. With customers’ trust and our company’s reputation, you should always be assured that your order will always be completed as soon as possible but usually the next business day the package is brought to the Post Office.
Q3: How much is the minimum order for MonkeyDragonPaper to offer free shipping?
All orders over $99 get FREE Standard Priority Mail Shipping.
Q4: What kinds of products could I make a custom order?
You can make a custom order on all kinds of products at MonkeyDragonPaper such as flowers, portraits, animals, fruits, ornaments, wedding/greeting/ thank-you cards, earrings… Just email us!
Q5: How long does it take to work on my custom order?
We will work on your custom order as soon as possible. It depends on the specifications of your desired project. We can offer you a best-guess estimate if asked.
Q6: How long does it take for me to receive my custom order?
We trust and use Standard Priority Mail Shipping so that your custom order will be guaranteed.
Q7: How can I pay MonkeyDragonPaper when I make a custom order?
Customers have to deposit half of the total cost of the custom order as soon as we confirm the order and finish paying for the order before we deliver to you! We will send an email to show you how to deposit when you confirm your custom order.
Q8: When purchasing products at monkeydragonpaper.com, can I exchange or return it?
Customer satisfaction is very important to us. We will honor the refund of a purchase with a returned item/s when return shipping is paid for by the buyer. MonkeyDragonPaper hold no responsibility to pay for any shipping under any circumstances. We will also accept the return of any damaged products that happens during shipping. You must provide immediate documentation that will be used to file an insurance case with the Post Office. Please send an e-mail to us (monkeydragonpaper@gmail.com) to explain the problem, and we'll send you return instructions immediately. However, to reiterate, customers are responsible for all shipping costs including returns. Importantly, we don't accept returns on any damages occurring in the customer's care.
Q9: What material is the frame made of?
All frames at MonkeyDragonPaper is completely made of real wood with some colors such as blonde, black and gold leaf (not available in all sizes). Moreover, the frame includes a clear plexiglass glazing for shipping safety. MonkeyDragonPaper also installs frames with hanging wire. Framed works are ready to hang!